Utilizing dual 1/2-inch sensors, X3 captures 5.7K 360 Active HDR video, so you’ll never miss the action. The newest 360offering from Insta360 is the X3, and it sure is impressive. Let us know in the comments if you have a personal favorite that isn’t mentioned here. So, we’ve chosen what we think are the best motorcycle cameras around.

No matter what you want to record, there is a camera to handle that task. There are helmet cams, 360 cams, and even permanently mounted dash cams for commuters to use in case of a mishap. You just need to choose the right action camera, and you’ve got a ton of options. They need the moto-equivalent of a dash cam to keep tabs on the other road users who are often paying more attention to their breakfast burrito than the other vehicles around them. Then there are the workday road warriors who commute via bike through the concrete canyons of their local city. Track day lean angles can impress your buddies. Heroics aside, traveling by motorcycle is even more fun when you can capture the important moments of your trip while you’re actually riding. Who would believe you if you said that, as you were hard on the brakes from 160+ mph into Turn 2 at Laguna Seca, a ground squirrel ran across the track in front of you and the $100,000 Ducati Superleggera you were piloting? Well, Troy was able to document Mister Squizzles’ near-fatal dash, thanks to his helmet cam, and put an end to our disbelief. Having video evidence to back it up makes the stories even more fun. Motorcyclists love to tell stories about things that happened while they were riding.